JOB: Satan the Adversary
Satan – The Hidden Adversary Job 19-21 The drama continues as Job persists in his request for an audience with the Lord and proclaims that he believes a redeemer will come to his rescue. Zophar continues to beat his drum about how the wicked suffer and the righteous prosper. As you read this portion of…
JOB: The Plaintiff
Job – The Plaintiff Job 16-18 In the great courtroom drama of the Book of Job, Traditional Faith is on trial, God is the Judge, and Job is the Plaintiff. Job is known as a faithful servant of God. His character is revealed in the opening sentence of the book where the author describes him…
JOB: Traditional Faith on Trial
Traditional Faith on Trial Job 13-15 Job is the original courtroom drama. Just like the plaintiff in Perry Mason or Matlock, Job demands an audience with a judge to plead his case. He has been wronged and is seeking an explanation. Time after time he asks for the Lord to hear him and to answer…
JOB: Zophar the Sarcastic
Zophar – The Sarcastic Job 10-12 Can you imagine someone at a funeral who would say to a father, “you deserve much worse,” just days after the loss of his children and belongings? The third friend of Job to make a speech is Zophar. Continuing to escalate the drama, this friend continues to reinforce and…
JOB: Bildad the Cleric
Bildad – The Cleric Job 7-9 Bildad the Shuhite is the only description we are given for the second friend of Job. Shuah could be a place somewhere in the countries southeast of Palestine in the deserts of Arabia, or it may refer to his ancestor who was one of Abraham’s sons by Keturah. In…
JOB: Eliphaz the Mystic
Eliphaz – The Mystic Job 4-6 After a week of grief, sympathy and mourning, Eliphaz is the first of Job’s three friends to speak. From the very beginning, we must understand that these three friends represent the anti-thesis to truth and wisdom. Their words are often right and appear to be wise, but within the…
JOB: An Introduction
Introduction Job 1-3 Job is one of the few books in the Bible that is often read as a timeless work of literature by those in secular academia. I recall my first experience with Job was in Freshman Literature, which was before I surrendered my life to Christ. It was presented in class right alongside…
Watch, Pray and Go
Watch, Pray and Go by Dave Wilson A & K are the Coordinators for the mission course called “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”. This is a 15 week course that we offer here at Trinity every other year. Matthew 26-28 The conclusion of the Gospel of Matthew is filled with tension and suspense which…
I’m Trading my SUV for a Pick-up Truck
I’m Trading my SUV for a Pick-up Truck by Dave Wilson with Tim Breon Tim Breon is a Case Manager in San Bernardino for Inland Temporary Homes, a non-profit that helps low income families with rent and utility payments as well as finding a home to stay. He serves Trinity Church by leading our homeless…
That Just ain’t Fair!
That Just ain’t Fair! by Dave Wilson with Craig Wilson Craig Wilson serves as the Chairman of the Mission Core Team here at Trinity Church. By trade, he is an attorney working with civil law in San Bernardino. He is married with 3 children. Matthew 20-22 This week as I was reading through Matthew in…
Peace-Maker, Peace-Breaker or a Peace-Faker
Are you a Peace-Maker, Peace-Breaker or a Peace-Faker by Dave Wilson with Linda Parker Linda serves as the Team Leader for the Missionary Care Team here at Trinity Church. She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who helps her clients from a Christian perspective. She specializes in Peace-Making which is a biblically based model…
What’s Inside of Me?
What’s Inside of Me? by Dave Wilson with Lance Kjeldgaard Lance and his wife Linda are team leaders for our International Friendship Connection (IFC) here at Trinity Church. They reach out to the international students and scholars who attend some of our local universities. Students leave their home and families from all around the world…
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