The Great Commission still belongs to the church!

Pipeline: Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization

This book will help churches understand their role in fulfilling the Great Commission by raising up and sending out the next generation of missionaries. It is a collaboration of 40 different authors from churches, agencies, parachurch organizations, as well as cross-cultural servants on the field.


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Voted one of the TOP Missions Mobilization Books in 2018!

Catalyst Services announced the list of "Best Missions Books" of 2018 recommended by readers.
"This book is rich in content but also in variety of opinions and perspectives because it is a compilation from 40 contributors. Every mission’s mobilization department and every mission-minded church needs to read the book."
Find out more here!

What would it look like if a local church really took the last words of Jesus seriously? The Great Commission was not just a suggestion by our Lord, but an imperative mandate given to His followers. The church has marching orders to go into all the world with the message of hope and salvation for all to hear. Missionary sending agencies are deploying workers to the field, but many of them come from disengaged churches that are not producing well equipped disciples.  We need a fully integrated global supply chain - a pipeline - that has disciples as the precious commodity, as well as an effective infrastructure to distribute and replicate them around the globe.

“Pipeline” is a book that seeks to re-engage the church in mobilizing the next generation of workers for the harvest, which is really another way of describing basic discipleship. With forty (40) contributors from churches, agencies and cross cultural servants, you are given first-hand information in the field of missionary mobilization straight from specialists who not only know what they are doing, but are doing what they know. As people in distant places wait for a messenger of hope and salvation, will your church venture into the pipeline?

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Book Dedication - Marvin and Peggy Newell

The Pipeline book is dedicated to Marvin and Peggy Newell, the "Mobilizers of Mobilizers."  Thank you for blessing us, but more than that, you have blessed countless others by your ministry of connecting God's people to kingdom opportunities.  May your work on earth provide you with heavenly rewards and eternal benefits! 

Book Outline



  • Prayer: It All Starts Here – Doug Lucas


PART ONE – Calling: Learning to hear the voice of God

  • Call Experiences from Scripture: God’s People answering the Call – David J Wilson
  • Call Experiences from the Past: The Powerful Percent – Todd Ahrend
  • Call Experiences from Today’s Missionaries – Glenn & Sue Ashcraft, Mark & Becky Jennings, Harold & Kerry Peters, Art & Vicki Reyes, Larry W Sharp, Jurg VanDyk
  • The Missionary Call: But I Don’t Feel Called! – Neal Pirolo

PART TWO – Obstacles: Learning to overcome hindrances to the call

  • Family Objections – Peggy Bright, Fawn Brents
  • The Church: A Missional Heresy – David J Wilson
  • Money: Five Keys to Raising Support – Steve Shadrach
  • Short Term Mission Trip Strategy: Train and Debrief for Short term trips – Kendra Cervantes
  • Inadequate Assessment Processes:  Least Likely to Succeed – David J Wilson


PART THREE – The Local Church: Developing a mobilization team

  • Developing a Mobilization Model: The Sending Church – David J Wilson
  • Building a Mobilization Team: Rites of Passage – David J Wilson
  • Bethlehem Baptist Church: Preparing and Nurturing Long Term Global Partners – Todd Rasmuson
  • Calvary Church: Mobilization Strategy – Steve Beirn
    Liberty Bible Church: Mentors who make Disciplemaking Disciples – Greg Carter
  • Lincoln Berean Church: Equipping Candidates with Character & Capacity  - Ryan Harmon
  • Sardis Church: The Antioch Model – Jon Luesink

PART FOUR – The Local Church: Preparing to become a Sending Church

  • Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: Awakened to God’s Global Purpose - Brett Clemens
  • Mobilization Ideation: Shop Talk – Mark Stebbins
  • Influencing Youth: How to Teach for Transformation – Daniel T Haase
  • Women’s Issues:  Helping Women Thrive – Lorrie Lindgren
  • Men’s Issues: A City of Refuge for Men – Stan De La Cour and Brandon Boyd

PART FOUR – The Local Church: Preparing to become a Sending Church (Continued)

  • MK/TCK Issues: Tension between Calling and Craving – Michele Phoenix
  • Church Based Candidate Orientation: Skills, Knowledge and Character – Greg Carter
  • Cultural Adaptation & Language Acquisition: Seven Essentials in Ministry Training – Brian Gibson
  • Building Resiliency: The Value of Coaching – Sherri Dodd              
  • What Missionaries wish they knew before they left: Disequilibrating the Bravado – Jon Luesink


PART FIVE – Partners: Serving Alongside the Sending Church

  • Avant Ministries: Mobilizing Among Millennials – Russ
  • Frontiers: Starting Churches among Muslims – Bob Blincoe
  • Navigators: Multiplying One-to-One Discipleship– Mark Stebbins
  • Pioneers: The Forgotten Lord’s Prayer – Steve Richardson
  • The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM): Four Practices of our Partner Churches - Josh McQuaid
  • WorldVenture: Church Partnership is in our DNA – Harold Britton
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators: Develop and Deploy: Launching People into Ministry – Jamie Farr
  • Camino Global: The Movement of the Global South - David D Ruiz
  • Greater Europe Mission (GEM): Mobilizing MKs/TCKs – Becca Martin

PART SIX – Special Partners: Linking the Church and Agency

  • Advance Global Coaching: What if missionaries had a life coach? – Sherri Dodd
  • Center for Intercultural Training (CIT): Through the Lens of Partnership – Mark Morgenstern
  • Mission Training International (MTI): Lovers, Learners and Servants - Steve Sweatman
  • TRAIN International: Born out of Prayer – Brian Gibson
  • Sixteen:Fifteen: 5 Marks of a Mobilized Church - Matthew Ellison


PART SEVEN – Preparing the Sending Church for the Next Generation

  • Business as Mission: Real Business, Real Mission – Larry W Sharp
  • Church Based Teams: Joint Venture, Serving Together – Dave Hansen
  • Missionary Recipients becoming Senders: The Global South on the Move – Larry Janzen


"Comprehensive in scope and replete with first hand accounts of how people have responded to the call of missions, Pipeline is both informative and inspirational. Here, compiled in one volume for the first time, is the most practical mission mobilization wisdom from a broad range of "in the trenches" mission mobilizers that can be found. Herein is valuable advice, especially for churches, on how to mobilize in today's mission context."

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Dr. Marvin J. Newell

Marvin is Senior Vice President of Missio Nexus, a network of evangelical mission agencies, churches and training centers in North America. Previously he served as a missionary in Papua, Indonesia, a mission administrator, a professor of missions, and director of a missions association. He is the author of: A Martyr’s Grace, Commissioned: What Jesus Wants You to Know as You Go, Expect Great Things: Mission Quotes that Inform and Inspire and his newest book is Crossing Cultures in Scriptures: Biblical Principles for Mission Practice. He is also adjunct professor at Moody Theological Seminary, and sits on the board of five different mission organizations. Marv and his wife Peggy have been involved in missions for 40 years.

“As the Church was lulled to sleep in their self-satisfaction, the mission agencies took Christ’s command, ‘Go into all the world,’ and ran with it. It has been only in recent decades that the Church has begun to rise from its slumber regarding their part in mission mobilization. In this writing, Dr. David Wilson, and a host of mission enthusiasts have laid the mandate of our Lord at the doorstep of every church, large or small. An excellent “read” for the inspiration and implementation to participate in Christ’s Great Commission.”


Neal Pirolo

Neal is Founder and Director of Emmaus Road International, and author of I Think God Wants me to be a Missionary, Serving as Senders Today, The Re-Entry Team, and several others.  He and his wife Yvonne have been serving in missions for over 40 years.

“Rarely do missions’ enthusiasts find a one-stop shop for understanding the component parts of the missions’ journey.  This book is it.  It is a remarkable compendium of seasoned practitioners from every quarter of the missions’ arena, who are liberally passing along their years of knowledge and wisdom.  This work is a treasure chest of missions’ information for the novice and the veteran alike.”


Mark Stebbins

Mark is on Collegiate Staff with the Navigators, in Colorado Springs, CO and is also a Missions Mobilization Consultant with Missio Nexus.


Resources by Chapter, Related Articles, Listing of Services/Ministries, Churches, Agencies and more!