Pipeline Contributing Authors

Pipeline is a collaboration of 40 different authors from churches, agencies, and training organizations,
as well as cross-cultural workers on the field.

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Todd Ahrend is the founder of The Traveling Team, a national mission mobilization movement, and is the author of In This Generation: Looking to the Past to Reach the Present.  For more information go to Mission Revolution.

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Glenn and Sue Ashcraft faithfully serve as Directors at Springs of Life Camp in Malaga, Spain.  They joined Avant Ministries in 1983 and have been in Spain since 1985. 

Steve B


Steve Beirn is the pastor of global ministries at Calvary Church in Lancaster, PA.  He is also author of the book Well Sent: Reimagining the Church’s Missionary-Sending Process. 

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Bob Blincoe is president of US Frontiers, coaching new team leaders to go and preparing new churches to send.  Bob led a Frontiers’ team to the Middle East following the Gulf War.  Prior to that, he and his wife taught English in Thailand.

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Brandon Boyd is a licensed professional counselor associate with SIM USA, with his wife, Cheri, who provides education support. They served in Chiang Mai, Thailand, for 5-1/2 years.

Fawn B

Fawn Brents and her husband, Charlie, served with Gospel Missionary Union in Ecuador for four years. She has been a real estate broker-officer with Kansas City Real Estate for over 20 years and leads the missions committee at her church. 

Harold B


Harold Britton is director of church relations at WorldVenture in Denver, CO.  He also serves on the mission care leadership team at Mission Hills Church in Littleton, CO.


Greg C


Greg Carter served a cumulative 30+ years in two local churches as outreach pastor before retiring in 2018. He is also founder of Future Missionaries, and author of Skills, Knowledge, Character: A Church-Based Approach to Missionary Candidate Preparation.

Brett C


Brett Clemens and wife Colette serve as missionaries with Avant Ministries in Kansas City, MO. Brett is assigned from Avant to Perspectives, mobilizing full-time as the Regional Director, Central Region.

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Stan DeLaCour serves as director of church partnership, SIM USA with his wife, Faith, who is the vice president and chief people officer. They served in Japan for over 34 years with Asian Access.

Sherri D

Sherri Dodd is founder, CEO and Christian life coach with Advance Global Coaching which helps churches build resiliency in their missionaries.

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Matthew Ellison is the president and co-founder of Sixteen:Fifteen where he coaches with churches in strategically focused missions. Prior to that he served as a missions pastor at a mega-church for 9 years.

Jamie F

Jamie Farr is senior director of people engagement with Wycliffe Bible Translators. His responsibilities include oversight of a national team to speak, promote, recruit and place people in positions to serve with Wycliffe globally.

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Brian Gibson is executive director with TRAIN International in Joplin, MO, training cross-cultural workers for effectiveness, and coaching churches towards being mission critical.  He and his wife Stacey served 7 years as church planting disciple-makers in Kosova.

Dan H

Daniel T. Haase is an instructor of Christian formation & ministry at Wheaton College in Chicago, IL where he also serves in the Center for Global and Experiential Learning.

Dave H

Dave Hansen served for 11 years as a missionary in Italy. He was with Back to the Bible for 23 years then served with Avant Ministries for 10 years. He and his wife Judy are now retired and reside in Arkansas.

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Ryan Harmon is the global outreach pastor at Lincoln Berean Church in Lincoln, NE and has served there for 11 years. He and his wife also led a church planting team to Madrid, Spain for 4 years. 

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Larry Janzen and wife Marbi have served with Avant Ministries in Belize, Guadalajara, Mexico, and Uruguay. They are currently developing a strategy to see Latin Americans become active participants in global mission.

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Mark and Becky Jennings and their four sons, Matthew, Luke, Andrew and Zebulon, have served with World Horizons USA in Wales, United Kingdom since 2007.

Lorrie L

Lorrie Lindgren has been the executive director of Thrive Ministry since 2005.  She has established partnerships with over 500 mission agencies and led retreats for 2,700+ missionary women around the world.

Doug L

Doug Lucas is the president of Team Expansion based in Louisville, KY and Founder/Editor of Brigada. He is also founder/trainer of More Disciples and Missions U.

Jon L

Jon Luesink and wife Jill served with Avant Ministries for eight years leading a church planting team to Prague, Czech Republic. Jon is presently serving with Avant’s Canadian office as director of mobilization.

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Becca Martin is a regional mobilizer for Greater Europe Mission (GEM) in the Midwest. Prior to that she taught mathematics at the International Christian School of Vienna in Austria for 5 years. 

Josh McQuaid

Josh McQuaid currently serves as the Director of Youth and Mission at Redeemer Church of Knoxville, TN (PCA). Formerly he was TEAM's Director of Organizational Engagement and also served as a pastor and missions mobilizer. The son of missionaries, he grew up in Bolivia and Paraguay.

Mark M

Mark Morgenstern is senior director of Grow2Serve, a ministry that aids missionary development through the use of current training technologies and methodologies. Mark is also working with Center for Intercultural Training.


Harold and Kerry Peters served the Lord faithfully in Mali, West Africa with Gospel Missionary Union from 1967 to 2005. They now reside in Salmon Arm, British Columbia Canada. 

Michele P

Michèle Phoenix was raised in France with a Canadian father and American mother.  She is a mentor, writer and speaker with a heart for MKs.    She taught for 20 years at Black Forest Academy (Germany) before launching her own ministry advocating for Third Culture Kids.


Neal Pirolo is founder of Emmaus Road International and author of Serving as Senders Today, The Reentry Team, and many others. He and his wife Yvonne have been in ministry for over 40 years and live in San Diego, CA.

Todd R

Todd Rasmuson is the global outreach minister at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN.  Todd and wife Tamara served for 8 years with Mission: Moving Mountains in Tanzania. 


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Art and Vicki Reyes have been church planters with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) since 1992, starting churches in San José del Cabo and La Playa on the southern tip of the Baja peninsula of Mexico.

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Steve Richardson was a formerly a church planter in Southeast Asia.  He has served as president of Pioneers-USA since 1999.

David Ruiz

David D. Ruiz is a pastor and missiologist from Guatemala. He served with the Cooperación Misionera Iberoamericana (COMIBAM) and The Mission Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) as well as Camino Global. He is currently with Avant Ministries.  

Steve S

Dr. Steve Shadrach is the executive director of the Center for Mission Mobilization, and the founder of Support Raising Solutions. These organizations train Christian workers all over the world how to raise personal-support teams.


Larry W. Sharp is the vice president emeritus at Crossworld mission sending agency.  He is also founder and director of training at IBEC Ventures. He and his wife Vicki live in Seattle, WA. 

Mark S

Mark Stebbins is on collegiate staff with the Navigators, in Colorado Springs, CO and is also a Missions Mobilization Consultant with Missio Nexus.

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Steve Sweatman is president and CEO with Mission Training International. MTI has been developing and equipping cross-cultural messengers of the Gospel since 1954.

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Kendra Cervantes Valdez served with Camino Global on a church planting team in Uruguay for two years. She also served on staff of her church as director of mission, sending out hundreds of short-term missionaries and overseeing partnerships with missionary organizations.

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Jurg VanDyk serves as the Director for New Initiatives and Special Projects in Africa with The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). He and his wife Minda and their three children are currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.