Mind the Gaps
Mind the Gaps: Engaging the Church in Missionary Care is a practical guide to equip churches and church leaders to provide excellent care for their missionaries. Filled with personal stories, lessons learned, insights from practitioners and best practices, this book seeks to encourage the church to take proactive steps to reduce missionary attrition rates and to help overseas workers be successful on the field.
Most churches care about their missionaries, but Mind the Gaps will prepare a church to be intentional in caring for their missionaries. Recognizing that all churches are different, this book offers principles for engagement rather than a step-by-step method for missionary care.
Care for missionaries begins before they depart for the mission field and is needed all the way through their retirement years. The church needs to have sound wisdom to navigate the complexity of the rapidly changing environment of the global missionary movement.
Mind the Gaps provides a distinct contribution to existing missionary care literature because it is collaboratively written by an experienced and practicing missionary care team from a local church. They share their experiences, both good and bad, and relate real stories and lessons learned. By minding the gaps in missionary care, the church can create a system of proactive care, which will ensure lasting engagement of both the church and the agency into the lives of our precious and beloved missionaries.
"Mind the Gaps is intended to empower churches, to complement and enhance the efforts of the member care department of agencies, and to reduce the attrition rate of missionaries who are sent out to the field." David J. Wilson
Book Outline
Part One: All Aboard – Getting Started
- People for your Team
- Philosophy of Effective Ministry (POEM)
- Confidentiality Policy
Part Two: Passenger List – Choosing Who You Send
- Predictors of Missionary Success
- Strategic Focus of the Church
Part Three: Making Connections – Developing Relationships
- Connecting through Prayer
- Connecting the Missionary to the Care Team
- Connecting Missionaries to the Congregation
- Connecting with the Sending Agency
Part Four: On the Journey – Meeting Needs
- Spiritual Needs
- Emotional Needs
- Physical Needs
- Professional Effectiveness Needs
Part Five: Changing Tracks – Transitions
- Changes within Ministry
- Re-Entry, Retirement and other Transitions

Laura Mae Gardner, International Personnel Consultant and Trainer, Wycliffe and SIL
"Mind the Gaps is a vibrant, timely, and relevant book that will move a standard Mission Committee that oversees mission funds and arranges occasional Mission Conferences to an involved and energetic Missionary Care team… I know of no other book like it. This volume will be incredibly useful to any church that wants to become more missional, and wants to be energetically and compassionately involved in the workers they deploy."

Bob Blincoe, US Director, Frontiers
"At last, a missionary care manual written for sending churches by a sending church. This is a hands-on, how-to book for church leaders who want to know how to start, or start over, in caring for missionaries from beginning to end. Here you will learn how to choose a sending team from within the church, how to select a mission agency, how to prepare your missionaries, how to let them feel your love, how to heal the brokenhearted, how to help them persevere, and how to welcome them home. Church leaders who want to know that the care of missionary families and singles is going to be complex and demanding, will want to read this book. It will make a dream become a reality; it will turn your "What if?" into "What is."
General Editor - David & Lorene Wilson

"We believe that God is calling the Church to rise up and be an answer to prayer for missionaries who are serving the world on our behalf. Through humble and genuine partnership with the agencies, we can foster effective ministries through missionaries who stay on the field longer".
Expert Writers and Contributors

William G. Britt III, Ph.D

Susanne Hood

Linda Parker

William and Betty Jane Born
Resources by Chapter and by Subject/Topic, articles, blogs and more!