Mind the Gaps Reviews and Recommendations
What People are Saying about Mind the Gaps....

"Churches may say they want to send their missionaries well, and they may have good intentions of doing so, but without studying a book such as this, there may be gaps that are not filled. There are many missions books that devote sections to this topic of missionary care, but this book may be the lengthiest work devoted entirely to the topic of engaging the whole church in supporting the missionaries who are to be sent from that body of believers."  Kirsten McClain
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"When we at MRN present a “Missionary Care Workshop” for churches who would like to care well for the missionaries they send, our theme song continues: “Missionary care is the task of the sending church!” That’s when the questions start: How can we encourage missionaries when we really don’t know what they are experiencing? How can we get more of the sending church involved in "care teams" or "prayer teams" for the sake of each individual mission effort?"    T. Mark Brazle, Missions Resource Network
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"We recently read your book “Mind the Gaps” and absolutely loved it! We are really feeling the “gaps” that exist between the care of our sending agency and our sending church. We’re actively seeking ways to help our sending church and supporters grow in knowing how to care for missionaries.  I can’t recommend your book enough! As a missionary, what you shared about the need to care for missionaries instead of just sending them off and writing a check every month was right on target. I especially appreciated the section on confidentiality – that’s huge! If we (missionaries) open up and share with a supporter or church staff and then discover that our confidential needs or concerns have been “leaked” or broadcasted, it not only damages our trust with that individual or group, but it really cripples our ability to continue to serve on the field as we now feel like we have no outlet – no “safe zone” to help us navigate the challenges and sensitive issues of ministry. What you shared in the book about making a distinction between the missionary care team and those who evaluate the missionaries and determine their support (or have the power to cut off support) was really beneficial as well.  Thank you so much for all you’re doing to serve and equip the Body of Christ!"  Missionaries serving in Papua New Guinea